Microsoft bolsters cloud security approach with CloudKnox acquisition

Microsoft has acquired start-up CloudKnox Security, an identity and access management platform designed in tune with the sensibilities of modern cloud computing.

Through the acquisition, Microsoft will be able to offer CloudKnox’s package of complete visibility into privileged access, helping organisations right-size permissions, enforce least-privilege principles to reduce risk, and employ continuous analytics to prevent security breaches.

In a blog post announcing...

Securing IT systems in the hybrid workplace with identity governance: A guide

Ominous mobile cloud computing conceptual image.

The current reality of massive remote work began as a pandemic-induced necessity, but what most thought would be a short-term stopgap has become the current norm. And that’s not entirely a bad thing. I’m sure most workers don’t miss commutes or traffic, and enjoy the extra sleep and being able to take a conference call in their pajamas . As organisations have seen that they are still able to function, more and more employers and employees are embracing remote work as a viable...