Securing IT systems in the hybrid workplace with identity governance: A guide

Ominous mobile cloud computing conceptual image.

The current reality of massive remote work began as a pandemic-induced necessity, but what most thought would be a short-term stopgap has become the current norm. And that’s not entirely a bad thing. I’m sure most workers don’t miss commutes or traffic, and enjoy the extra sleep and being able to take a conference call in their pajamas . As organisations have seen that they are still able to function, more and more employers and employees are embracing remote work as a viable...

Why cybersecurity isn’t cybersecure without detection and recovery

Anyone responsible for data security who doesn’t get a shiver down their spine when they read the about yet another high-profile ransomware attack in the news is either doing something very right, or something very wrong.  

The danger of falling victim to a cybersecurity issue is getting greater as the volume of attacks continues to rise and bad actors become increasingly sophisticated. Interpol has highlighted how Covid-19 affected both the number and nature of...

Five key mistakes which threaten infrastructure cybersecurity and resilience

Bottom line: With many IT budgets under scrutiny, cybersecurity teams are expected to do more with less, prioritising spending that delivers the greatest ROI while avoiding the top five mistakes that threaten their infrastructures.

In a rush to reduce budgets and spending, cybersecurity teams and the CISOs that lead them need to avoid the mistakes that can thwart cybersecurity strategies and impede infrastructure performance. Cutting budgets too deep and too fast can turn into an...