Malware-delivering cloud apps almost tripled in 2022

A skull symbol within computer code.

More than 400 distinct cloud applications delivered malware in 2022, nearly triple the amount seen in the prior year, according to research conducted by Netskope, a specialist in Secure Access Service Edge (SASE).

The company's researchers also found that 30% of all cloud malware downloads in 2022 originated from Microsoft OneDrive.

Cloud apps are widely used by businesses, a fact not lost on attackers, which view these apps as an ideal home for hosting malware and...

Majority of malware downloads come from cloud apps

Computer code in the shape of a skull.

More than two-thirds of malware downloads came from cloud apps in 2021, according to a study by Netskope, a secure access service edge (SASE) specialist, titled Cloud and Threat Spotlight: January 2022. 

The research highlights the continued growth of malware and other malicious payloads delivered by cloud applications. The year-over-year analysis identifies the top trends in cloud attacker activities and cloud data risks from 2021 as compared to 2020, and examines changes in the...