Defence Innovation Unit taps Google Cloud for its cloud security

US Pentagon

The Defence Innovation Unit (DIU), a part of the Department of Defence (DoD) focused on scaling commercial technology across the US military, has contracted Google Cloud for its secure cloud management (SCM) solution.

With plans to be implemented across the DIU’s systems, Google anticipates the possibility of further adoption amongst defence agencies worldwide.

SCM is a container-based solution developed in partnership with Palo Alto Networks for secure application...

JEDI: Oracle and Google enter the bidding war for Pentagon cloud contract


The prolonged JEDI war - between Amazon and Microsoft, not Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker - for the $10 billion contract to modernise the US Department of Defence's (DoD) cloud infrastructure has entered a new saga.

Microsoft won the Joint Enterprise Defence Infrastructure (JEDI) contract back in 2019, although its victory was short-lived when Amazon filed for and won an injunction due to potential presidential interference in 2020.

Since then, the Pentagon ruled that...