JEDI: Oracle and Google enter the bidding war for Pentagon cloud contract


The prolonged JEDI war - between Amazon and Microsoft, not Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker - for the $10 billion contract to modernise the US Department of Defence's (DoD) cloud infrastructure has entered a new saga.

Microsoft won the Joint Enterprise Defence Infrastructure (JEDI) contract back in 2019, although its victory was short-lived when Amazon filed for and won an injunction due to potential presidential interference in 2020.

Since then, the Pentagon ruled that...

US Supreme Court throws out Oracle’s JEDI contract challenge

US Supreme Court

The US Supreme Court has dismissed Oracle's challenge to how the Pentagon awarded its now-cancelled $10 billion Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure Cloud (JEDI) cloud contract.

A lower court ruling found that the enterprise software company could not have been harmed by any Pentagon errors in awarding the contract as Oracle did not qualify for it in the first place.

Oracle attempted to appeal this ruling, but this has been rebuffed.

The US Defence...

Pentagon cancels $10bn Jedi contract after Amazon challenge

Microsoft office building

The US Department of Defence (DoD) has cancelled its $10 billion (£7.2bn) cloud computing contract with Microsoft, pitting it back against Amazon for a renewed bidding war over the rights to develop the Pentagon’s long awaited cloud system.

The cancellation follows Amazon’s filing of a lawsuit against the decision to award the ‘Jedi’ contract to Microsoft in late 2019, a decision which it claims was improperly influenced by political pressure from then President...